Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Knee Deep

What's been going on Mil's life? Is that why you're here, is that the question that runs through your head?
If so, then thank you! Funny story, yesterday an old flame messaged me to tell me that a girl he knows never writes to him. It's funny because i'm the girl and he's just wasting time pointing out the obvious isn't he. I found this quite hilarious and didn't know quite what to make of it. Except laugh my ass off.

It's been about four weeks or so since the fall semester of college and everyday has been fantastic. I've been finding classes fairly easy *knocks on wood* and life has been like one big party. Hey that rhymes and I wasn't being sarcastic.

I don't feel like I have to worry so much about what's going to happen next, especially academic-wise and I'm just taking it one step at a time you know? If I do well this semester, it will be the boost that I need to convince myself that I'll be okay doing psychology (possibly for the rest of my life).
Here's a lowdown of how my conversation went with dad about me switching to English.

Me: So Pops, I think I'd prefer to do something with English...not Psychology.
Pops: English? What would you do with English?
Me: [Long pause] Err...I guess I could teach. I really don't know but I think I'd do better with
Pops: Yea but what about prospects? The money wouldn't be great. With psychology you could be earning twice as much as me. (Proceeds to talk about the importance of money for awhile).
And then came the blow...
Pops: When I'm not here anymore, you gotta take care of the family. Who else is going to do that?
Me: [Feels like she's been punched in the stomach] Yea. Of course.

So that was that. How can I consider anything else when my entire family's welfare is in my hands. But the thing is, my Dad's right. Going into English could be a risky thing because of the pay and uncertainty of job offers.

Having said that though, if he didn't put it that way, I would already be knee deep in Literature.
We all have responsiblities though. And this doesn't mean I have to stop dreaming.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't stop dreaming, and think carefully, trust yourself and you'll be fine. have faith in yourself and you can do it. And you'll always have a few good friends you can turn to in a time of trouble, just make sure they're level headed ok?

Take care babe.