Tuesday, October 03, 2006


As you might assume, I'm doing great. =)
These hols have been probably one of the best hols in my life, aside from the Bali trip.
And today marks my first meat meal after about a week. Boy I need my meat.
For those who are unaware and blissfully ignorant (HAHA!), it is during this time frame that Hindus celebrate Navarathri (literally translates to nine nights). If you are familiar with the Catholic event called Lent, this is quite similar to this, except (Thank God) this doesn't last for 40 days.
It is during this time that our will and self-discipline is truly tested. Abstain abstain.
Thankfully, I did it.
I think having people who love meat as much as I do abstaining along with me made everything easier. =) God bless them.
I miss watching Friends, my pc is acting up, not allowing me to play many of the episodes that I carefully stored in my hard drive. Damn you, damn you!
I sense a change in the way I write, I believe that I sound more carefree, this is because I am!
Of course many major events have taken place (besides Navarathri), one of them being a change of heart. I am seriously considering stepping away from psychology.
It just ain't my thang, ya know?
Heee heee. Boy when I put it that way...
but actually that pretty much sums up the way I feel.
It's not my passion, I am pretty sure.
I would consider myself pretty decisive ( I think so at least, but of course I may not be the best judge of character for myself), so when I decided on psychology, I thought well this is it. Of course I wanted to be flexible too but I couldn't imagine doing anything else (i.e. business, mass comm, engineering, law) that wouldn't lower myself in mud in the eyes of my parents.
Lower myself in mud...more like drown in it. Err...ok getting off topic.
But I feel pretty stupid now because I'm surprised that the option I'm considering hadn't crossed my mind earlier. I've loved reading my whole life, and always knew that I was doing better in languages.
You should have seen me in Italian class. Seeing is believing, ei? Yea well I literally ate my teacher's head off. It was immense fun.

La la la. I'm off with a wink and a smile.


Anonymous said...


I'm happy that you have began to think about your future based on what you want, not wat they want.

Whatever yu choose, i'll behind u.
Thoough sometimes i'd wish u'd choos me.
he he he

I LOVE you!


Anonymous said...

hey mil.
guess who:) you sound so happy. i'm excited for you. what changed? fill me in homegirl;) i can't do it. neither can you. lol!! jokes.
anyways i miss you!! can you believe that its over almost 6 years ago that we had our first sleep over at my house.

love jacq

Anonymous said...

"Yea well I literally ate my teacher's head off."

No, but you were wishing you could eat his CHEST HAIR off, weren't you? WEREN'T YOU? lol.

I suppose your newfound decisiveness is proportionate to the growth of your manly balls...

Anyways, are you really thinking of switching to studying Lit? That would awesome. It's going to be hard-- I fuck you not (not in the sense of academics, but in the sense of economics). But I would salute you. Don't be like me-- I'm pissing myself over, as we speak, writing an internship application letter for my Mass Comm degree. Ugh.

It's cliche to say this but... follow your passions. No point ripping out your balls twenty years down the line over regrets of not doing this and that.


Naveena said...

you know,resding that brough back memories of us in lit class=) language has ALWAYS been ur strong(er) suit but then again, i'm sure u had a reason for doing psych in the first place. perhaps u shld think back why u wanted psych in the begining and then consider ur options fr there...see if u'll be happier if u switched:)
missing u heaps, dear and missing those frequent night chats we used to have so long ago...take care and drop me a mail or smtg

Mil said...

leonard washington- i bet you do. haha. so funny.

you know who- jacq! i miss you too. plenty changes around here, but let's hope you're happy over there too. cheers!

sebastian- you always could see right through me. that's 'cause we're the like-minded perverts. dude, that's so sad.
about lit, I'd salute me too but it looks like the iron grip of REALISM has me in chains. damn you parental politics! thanks for all the support though dear. *hugs*

navee- i'm a ding bat i've forgotten how to link people so can't link you,but when I do, you'll see me a lot more often. you take care too