Monday, October 23, 2006

Emotional Tag

1. HAPPINESS- is s state of mind where I am content in not an extreme manner, where I am comfortable just being. Spending time with the ones I love and doing something I love (spending alone time) brings out the happiness valence.

2. SADNESS- is having that gut-wrenching feeling where everything is bleak and nothing seems like it'll ever be alright again. Normally brought upon during inner crises and when I think too much. The crossroads and the hormones.

3. HOPE- is blind faith. I am not against this emotion, but don't put all your freakin' eggs in one basket. But without hope, we are nothing.

4. DISAPPOINTMENT- is dressing up real nice for someone and then they cancel on you. But beyond that it is a step away from anger; not getting what we want. The id in all of us.

5. LOVE-is life. We live to love. Love is getting angry because he did something stupid again. Love is when you want nothing but the best for the one you love.

6. HATE- does not exist here. I have no room for hate. I try.

7. CONFUSION- is when a guy says...Baby, I love you but then proceeds to step all over you. Confusion is when there is more than one person involved. Confusion is when your eyes see someone but your heart thinks of another.

8. ANGER-is when you tremble and shake like a leaf because you're so MAD. Anger is the most frightening thing to me.

9. FRUSTRATION- is when you're sitting in a traffic jam, fumbling for a cigarette and you realise you don't have a lighter. It's synonym for IRONY.

10. PASSION- is that thing you have that is all-consuming and if you let it, it will take over everything. In all the right ways.

11. FEAR- is the silliest most obstrusive emotion we have. Public speaking.

12. STUPIDNESS-is saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It is when you go the longer way because you forgot about the shortcut.

13. ECSTASY- is that extreme happiness where you feel you're about to burst. Pop. When I walk into a bookstore with a credit card.

14. JOY- is when you type the last word on a particularly baffling assignment and actually manage to pass it up. On time. And the lecturer looks surprised. And you go AHAH!

15. MISERY- being lonely when you're not used to the feeling. Yech. At home on a Saturday night when you're particularly itching to dance. With people.

16. REVENGE-is pointless when you want to be the bigger person. If you don't mind looking stupid and small then BULLDOZE RIGHT AHEAD. HAHA. Kick him right where it hurts. Sweet.

17. ROMANCE - is the quickened heartbeat just by the simple act of holding hands. The private kisses shared in elevators. The brief but heart-stopping hugs.

18. LUST-is when you feel like an animal in broad daylight next to a man who hasn't even touched you yet.

19. PRIDE-is not being a clingy bitch. Control yourself people. Show some respect for YOURSELF. In a lighter tone- you have better things to do than mop around.

20. DEVOTION- Is developing a habit that is actually good for you and does no harm for other people. Prayers, checking up on friends or cleaning.


I tag: Ming, Syar, Sebastian and you.

1 comment:

Syar said...

I was hoping you'd tag me! awesome.