Sunday, August 06, 2006

Much Hiatus

Yowsers, it's been awhile. This is the one thing I've been missing, I know.
Writing is FUN. Yay.
10 days ago, I celebrated my 19th birthday with jazz, Heineken, alot more alcohol, fantastic friends, a Zippo lighter and alot more cake and food. Mil-style KAPOW.
I forgot to mention with experiments as well.
There are plenty of things that I want to mention here. I should make a list.
My computer at home went KAPOOTS so Payal, the darling that she is lent me her laptop. This is one of the first sites I visited (after Hotmail and Friendster).
Much thanks to Payalo from Milano.

A list of things.
a. Jacq is leaving next Friday to Canada. Her farewell party yesterday was fun, no crying yet.
b. Shisha experience on Thursday.
c. It's been quite a week.
d. The work piles up, but not for me.
e. This is gonna take a while.
f. I miss writing.
g. I have to go now.

I hope to be back later so that Starbucks can clean out my padded pockets.
It's been a PAD week! (HAHAHAHAHAHA)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, interesting entry, been checking everyday to see if u had anything new, and today i found that u added something. im hoping ur ok. I feel like crap I am afraid u dun wanna see me nemore. Sorry.
i love u so much.
always here, just fucked up.
call me when u can please.
i need u
besides i wanna hear more abt this interesting week of urs ok?