Monday, September 11, 2006

In This Life

"Had she come all the way for this, / To part at last without a kiss?" [The Haystack in the Floods].
-William Morris (1834-1896)
He speaks of confusion, a man's frustration about understanding women, and a lover's anguish of an unfinished goodbye.
If tomorrow never comes, Heaven forbid the first kiss be the last, give me something to remember you by.

"The laughing queen that caught the world's great hands." [The Nile]
-J.H. Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)
An observation of the carefree attitude in the woman, a great one, in the way she dominates the crowd, despite being a woman. Contemptous, but not necessarily in a bad way, drawn to her laughter and longs to be part of her court.

"If you become a nun, dear, / A friar I will be. [The Nun]
-J.H. Leigh Hunt (1784-1859)
Offering the last destitude of being a man; his freedom, willingly reader to part with it and commits to commitment. All in the name of love.

"Men will confess to treason , murder, arson, false teeth, or a wig. How many of them will own up to a lack of humour? [Essays, I]
-Frank Colby (1865-1925)
Speaks of the false armour that men hold up in times of crisis, tension and confrontation. Vital in facing life, they would rather die than be without it, perhaps?
Humour me, all you men.

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