Monday, July 03, 2006

Great Expectations

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I finally finished it. The satisfaction of completing it was amazing. It felt wonderfully good to close the book without any dog-ears left. I finished it on Friday, and have been meaning to write about it.

Pip reminds me of the ashamed. In all of us. Perhaps it is hard to admit, but at one point of one's life, there surely must have been something that they were ashamed about. Maybe it was family (quite likely it was-I had my fair share), maybe it was in relation to their own personality.

Pip gives up something so pure and innocent- his life at the marshes, to become something so jaded and pitiful that it saddens me. He leaves Jo. He abandons Biddy. Worst of all, he leaves the best piece of his ownself. He inherits meaningless money from somebody unexpected. All the while with such great expectations. In the end, there is nothing. I must say though, I was so very lightened by the ending, even though there are some sad elements that, once again, made the eyes water!! Those damn emotions!! I must put in a footnote here. I was pmsing when on the verge of completing this book! So stop with the judging! Heartless people!

This may sound wierd, but besides Joe, my favourite character in the book is Magwitch. Abel Magwitch, Pip's beloved convict. It is so interesting so see the way Pip reacts to him when he meets him in London. It is true, what I've heard. When you hate somebody, you hate them for a part of yourself which you dislike. Freud called it projection. I call it wimpy. I am aware that I do it, and I shall have to say that it is truly wimpy. I would say that this involves fear.

"I would hate to become like that. Yet, perhaps, I am like that. I just
don't want to see it in myself. "

In my next post, I would like to qoute a few memorable things from Great Expectations. =)

I did not go to my Modern Lit class on Friday and it was eating at me for awhile. But what can I do about it now? Get notes and read up, that's it. This is when I have to shake my head to rid myself of small regrets. They are of no use are they.

I have started on a psychologial thriller- Denial by Lee James. Or perhaps it is Peter James, will reconfirm later. It is action-packed, and I can't wait to see what happens next. This one will not take as long as Great Expectations, not if I'm going at the pace that I am.

I said that I would reveal a bit more about my research project. Basically, have to mention again what a daunting task this seems, but I have faith in my groupmates, somehow we'll pull through I know. We are running over 20 sessions and by the time the experiment is over we would have memorised three audiovisuals. That's all I'll say for today.

On the subject of my "brilliant idea" (heehee) it involves something that I am very much in love with. As gay as that sounds, it isn't very hard to figure out. I think.

I have recruited someone for this. And this shall remain a secret. I will make a promise here, that as soon as it is realised, I will talk about it in detail, and with glee! Haha!

good night to the good people.

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