Monday, July 03, 2006

Father Figure

Everywhere around me I see lethargy. I see people yawning and complaining. I sense a drop in the energy level. In the air around me.

Why are we so down in the fucking dumps?

What is everybody so tired for? It's not like we woke up at dawn to plow the field manually and get paid 4 cents an hour. What is the matter with us young ones.

What is with the demands, left, right and centre. Where have our manners gone?

Today the father stands stooped, unable to straighten his back. Unable to hold his head high, for his little one. She is not so little anymore. Neither has she grown up, neither has she given him a reason to live.
Today the father reasons at the dinner table. Subtle insults are hurled thoughtlessly. What have you done. What have you done? Today the father did not have a beer.

He will have one tomorrow.

Hold the questions. I welcome a hug.

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