Saturday, June 16, 2007


Imagine the irony when...

You're thinking about a presentation but then a few hours later you realize that these things are trivial when it comes to your health, your relationships, your priorites...your passion.

We spend so much of time worrying about stupid things, about tiny chores that don't even matter in the long run and we forget all the pretty things right in front of us. Your other half, your best friends, your parents, your dog,and so on.

At the end of a long day, you come home and you yell at the people who ask you how your day was, or you sulk away in a corner because things didn't go your way.

Ah yes, cliche my little speech is, and yes, you have heard it before. But please, don't wait for the last minute to tell everyone you love them or you'll be kicking yourself later. Don't just tell them. Show them. Give out hugs, they're FREE! Give all your kisses away, don't be stingy. Don't sulk too long, that person could get tired of waiting. Communicate!! Nobody can READ your mind. Spend your money. Shut up and do it. Don't tell me you're saving up for a flimsy dress that gives you actual cleavage. That's bullshit, I don't want to hear that. When are you going to wear the damn dress? Prom? That's a million years away. Screw that, buy an ice-cream cone and eat that instead! Whatever rocks your boat.
Accept the things you can't change. Please. Just do that. Remind me to do the same when I forget.

My love for you is nothing to brag about but I want you to know that I do.
I love you fiercely and deeply, don't forget that.

I will take care of myself because I ask the same from you.
Find that one thing that makes you happy, that's all it takes.
I am luckier, I found someone that makes me full of glee.

-Gleeful Mil-

1 comment:

payals88 said...

I beg to differ.
It's rock your sampan.
not BOAT.
You unpatriotic Malaysian
tsk tsk