Sunday, June 08, 2008

Awful Slang

Yes, I am in the midst of studying for my exams, but I had a sort of argument with my two housemates about my feelings on the word 'chick'. If you know me well, then you know I get quite offended if somebody uses this word, especially if it's a girl. The argument escalated and sort of hung on the fact that no one knew where the word originated from. I don't think I'd be able to rest without doing some quick research, so here it is. Mind you, it is from Wikipedia, a source I barely trust, but then again, who and what can you trust these days; especially on the Internet. After the exams, I plan to do in-depth research on this matter and if Wikipedia is right, the slang DID originate from a man and it was used in an extremely degrading manner. Here it is, prepare to get appalled and please remember this the next time you open your mouth to say the word 'chick'.

From where did the slang use of the word chick originate?
In: Word and Phrase Origins

The word chick is a short form for chicken and it's use in American slang to refer to a young woman is attributed to Sinclair Lewis' book Elmer Gantry (1927).

"He had determined that marriage now would cramp his advancement in the church and that, anyway, he didn't want to marry this brainless little fluffy chick, who would be of no help in impressing rich parishioners. But that caution he had utterly forgotten in emotion, and her question was authentically a surprise, abominably a shock."

Taken from:
Wiki Answers (Answers Corporation).2008.
(accessed June 08, 2008).


Anonymous said...

Omg Dwarfy ! (its Milan's pet name here in perth!) I cant believe I didnt know about this blog before! (I kinda knew but really nice thoughts and really nice to read..discovering a different side of u! (not da same whacking dwarfy we knw here in perth!!)hahah..anyways good work! keep it up!!
P.S- I didnt know u felt this bad about the ch..k word!! sorry!!:)

Mil said...

Hello Ishan, thanks for visiting ;) And don't worry about the chick thing, it's a small matter and I'm completely over it. I can't keep grudges at all, so don't worry about it. Thanks again!