What would I do if I won the lottery.
What kind of car would you buy?
- A beetle or Mr. Bean's car. I can't fit anywhere else anyway eh?
Where in the country would you move
-In the country: I would move to the beachside and just set up camp there. Out the county I'd go to Bali! Also to the beachside!
What kind of house would u buy?
- A house made out of chocolate because I'm so loaded right now I can afford to EAT the damn thing.
Would you give your family any money?
- For sure, after eating my own house of course.
Would you give your friends any
- No but I would buy them drinks,and like ship them to the beach too.
Where would you go on vacation?
- Oo everywhere, especially Europe. Ok yea, everywhere.
What luxury item would you buy first?
- A huge ass plasma TV for my dad.
Would it change your life?
- Most certainly it would in certain aspects.
Would you save any of it?
- Yes and I'd invest it in a good cause; namely a women's organization.
Would it change your current
- Oo I'd spoil my babes rotten.
Would you quit your job?
- No I love my job! I'd get more jobs with all my financial superpowers no?
Would you ever work again?
- Yesh. I'd build a daycare center for kids and we could dance and sing to Itsy-Bitsy-Teeny-Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini all day. NO MTV.
What one task would you never do
- Look at my wallet and only see receipts?
What dream of yours would you be able
to do?
- Mentioned above. Oh and did you know that now you can go on vacation and contribute to society by volunteering? Now you do!
Would you change the way you dress?
- I doubt it, I'd buy a few more jeans though and use them til' they look like my current ones. It's a miracle my parents don't pass out from all the sighing and rolling-of-eyes that I encounter at home.
Would you change anything about your
- No, I'm good thank you.
Would you miss anything about not
being rich?
- Perhaps I'd miss having to actually worry? Um, ok no.
Who would be the first person you
- Babes!
Would it bring you happiness?
-Not any more than when I was not-too-loaded. Happiness is a state of mind.
1 comment:
You got that quote bout happiness from some book! Or was it from our damned psychology classes?
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