Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Must Stop the Spinning

Head is whirling, twirling, tumbling, spinning. Hence the title. Wee.
Why is your head doing all of the above, you might ask.
I am anxious to do so many things that I'm thinking of them all at the same time and going out for some fresh air didn't help much (even though it's a really nice night out, all breezy and cooling) that I felt I must write it has never failed me. Wow, look, a full stop.
Well up til this point, it hasn't failed me. Writing I mean, not the full stops. Ok, still spinning.
Would a to-do list help?
Perhaps. I should try that.

Maybe it's not all the academic stuff that I have to do that's getting my head like this. Maybe it's that big decision I have to make by the end of tonight. I have a deadline too; tomorrow morning. I am not ready to talk about this big decision I have to make, but when I am , I will tell all. Perhaps I won't ever be ready, because seeing it in black and white always makes it scarier. And ten times more real.

I learnt a new word yesterday- diaphanous. It means delicate and semi-transparent. So I haven't been so unproductive, I have expanded my vocabulary! By one word, but still, better than nothing, ei? I hope I spelt it right. Har har. Har.

Well, cool fact, I'm taking Drama this semester and I'm really looking forward to reading all those plays, especially the Shakespearan ones. They sound fantastic. Of course reading alone won't get me the grade I'll have to read out loud (without the text) *insert gasps of horror here* and we all know what a friend Public Speaking is to me. Ah, you dog you. Coincidentally I am also taking Public Speaking this semester so either taking that class will help me with Drama, or Drama will help me in P.S. Or something like that. Today I suggested bringing in some vodka everytime we go in for P.S. to my right hand. I don't think she knew I was only half-kidding. She'd probably agree if I said tequila. Nyahahaha. Well Drama is certainly going to be intriguing. Will keep you posted. Of course I was still moaning about how this is my last ever elective and it isn't even Hopkins' class. Oh well. We always want more, ei?

Must go sort myself out, excuse me.
Take care dearies.


Anonymous said...

You sound like such an old woman sometimes. A to do list might help, but you know you like writing them more than you like finishing them.

Shakespeare! coolness. By your right hand, do you mean a person or your actual right hand? Because it'd be kinda cool if your limbs had alcoholic preferences.

Mil said...

Syar- To-do lists are very fun to write but yes, they'd be more satisfying if we were able to cross of all the items. My right hand is actually Payal in disguise, I've used this "code name" before in my previous posts. My actual right hand prefers rum, sometimes brandy.

Anonymous said...

you psycho lah.

~the right hand