Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do the survey:
1. Payal
2. Ju
3. Dan
4. Ming
5. Nim
6. Ronny
7. Mom
8. Dad
9. Luvesh
10. Chantelle
12. Amit
13. Jacqueline
14. Syarifah
15. Elza
16. Christine Peh
17. Shanti
18. Tania
19. Sebastian
20. T
Questions: How did you meet No.14 (Syarifah)?
Haha what a question- I knew her-so therefore "met" her in primary school, but we only got close during high school- basically we never introduced ourselves formally- it just happened. She's great, old times were great, I love her. =)
What would you do if you had never met No.1 (Payal)?-
Lol. I wouldn't be having the family I have now. She happens to be my blood relative. I would be lost basically because nobody can replace her. She means the world to me. Who would drive me insane? =)
What would you do if No.20 (T) and No.9 (Luvesh) dated?-
Well smack my ass and call me Judy. Firstly I would laugh my ass off. Then I would proceed to beat both of them up and finish by knocking their heads together. That'll teach them.
Did you ever like No.19 (Sebastian)?-
Absolutely! I haven't known him for very long, but I enjoy his company and honestly think he is a good friend and an extremely talented writer.
Would No.6 (Ronny) and No.17 (Shanti) make a good couple?-
LMAO. Perhaps she might be able to smack some sense into him. That would be very entertaining to witness though.
Describe No.3 (Dan).-
Well James is an extremely entertaining fellow and will make up stupid rhymes for you on the spot. Haha, just playin James. He tends to be referred to as feminine although he is becoming more and more of an asshole these days. Ai, don't get your panties in a bunch james! Oops. He knows I love him. =)
Do you think No.8 (Dad) is attractive?-
Well, this is not a very appropriate question for me, maybe I shouldn't have included family in this, but oh well, there are no rules. Actually yes my dad is attractive, its' just that he's losing hair but his shiny spot does attract the appropriate amount of attention. He was dashing back in the day, and with a lot more hair.
Tell me something about No.7 (Mom).-
I'll tell you a million things. But that's not asked of me. She is the kindest darling on earth. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Do you know anything about No.12's (Amit) family?-
I believe that he is the only child, and he is not from KL. I apologize if I got those wrong!
What is No.18's (Tania) favorite?-
Ashamedly, I wouldn't know currently, but I know she used to enjoy writing stories and swimming when back in high school. Eeks.
What would you do if No.11 (Jon) confesses that he/she likes you?-
I'd say "Well hello there baby!" Nah, i'm kiddin. I'd tell him go get sober, he would be in too drunk a state if he's saying that. Nevertheless, I'd be flattered in some way.
What language does No.15 (Elza) speak?-
English and Malay. I miss her.
Who is No.9 (Luvesh) going out with?-
Nobody! And I intend to keep it that way! Mwahaha. The chicks are a-coming soon. He'll be 13 when I leave KL. And i'll miss him so.
How old is No.16 (Christine Peh)now?-
18 going on 19 in December. Need more time with her , too little is our time together.
When was the last time u talked to No.13 (Jacqueline)?-
Last Friday at Baskin Robbins. =) After a long hiatus. I love her and we should spend more time together, same goes for syar.
Who's No.2's (Ju) favorite singer?-
What a stupid question for such an important person. Well, he likes a whole bunch, one of them would be Slipknot or Tupac. Ok sorry couldnt remember that other blingin name.
Would you date No.4 (Ming)?-
I already am. Wink wink. Ye I would but I would be as broke as Dan. just playin =)
Would you date No.7 (Mom)?-
Lol hell no that's incest and I am against that.
Is No.15 (Elza) single?-
Big grin- nope. And I know who your boyfriend is *in a sing-song voice*. And I know how you suck face with him *continue with the sing-song voice*. Hee hee.
What's No.10's (Chantelle) last name?-
Mui if I'm not mistaken. She's got a complicated family tree, no offense meant.
Would you ever consider being in a relationship with No.11 (Jon)?-
Hey whats up with this, why do I keep gettin paired up with Jon? Well, no because he is a really good friend, and I wouldn't want to ruin such good vibes. And also because I would barely get to see him, the bugger is workin and schooling , blardy idiot thinks he's superman! I miss that idiot.
What school does No.3 (Dan) go to?-
I see this ass everyday- help university college.
Where does No.6 (Ronny) live?-
Discovery Bay, Hong Kong. Lucky duck lives right next to the beach.
What's your favorite thing about No.5 (Nim)?-
My favourite thing about Nim is that if you say "Nim, let's runaway!" she will run with you, no questions asked. She is lovely.
I tag: Sebastian, Payal, Syar, Adam and Eve. sorry couldnt think of two other ppl with blogs. my apologies.
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