Tuesday, May 04, 2010


So, I finished my essay. And now I don't know what to do with myself. I'm nearly done with my readings for class on Thursday. I'm ahead of schedule. I feel wierd!
Usually I'm busy not doing assignments and feeling immensely guilty while I not do them. Wow I'm suddenly on top of things.
Ok let's not jinx it. I've still got 9 assignments left. And not all of them are as weighty as the essay so I'm just putting things in perspective. I need to memorise lines as well because I'm a showgirl now!
Over the holidays last December I spent the majority of my time reading. It was beautiful really. I didn't on the tv set, I didn't go online, I forgot to shower sometimes. I covered a lot of ground but obviously I went to another book sale and brought back a carton full of books. I need a new bookshelf. Anyone with a spare please be a doll and pass it to me. When my parents came down I actually passed them books I had finished. I know it's shocking that I was able to part with them but I did it! I still have about 30 books with me in Perth though. Don't tell them that. Oh and I bought more. Geez.
Funny thing happened when I moved to Perth. In my first semester, I hated all things Australian just because I was that homesick (and deranged...not much has changed). I even boycotted Australian writers and in my head I made them out to be not worth my time. In one of my classes, I was introduced to Peter Carey and was forced to read one of his short stories. I liked it. But being the stubborn bull that I am, refused to pick up his books still. During my winter break last year, I was browsing the awards list on Wikipedia - I believe it was for the Booker Prize. Peter Carey was on the list for his book Oscar and Lucinda I believe. I checked the library catalogue - they didn't have Oscar and Lucinda, but they had True History of the Kelly Gang. I had heard of Ned Kelly but I was still a bit skeptical when I checked out the book. Nothing in the back cover really spoke to me. But as I struggled through the first few pages (it is written in 'slang' and it is quite difficult to read at first but one gets the hang of it quickly) and managed to pull through, I found that I could not put it down. His language was evocative and poetic, even with their odd slang use of 'chooks' (chickens) and other things. I quickly fell in love with the character of Ned Kelly (I imagined this really buff dude in my head covered with nothing but sheepskin on appropriate parts...oops) and the love story between him and his future wife was really intimate and breathtaking. When I finished it I didn't want it to end which is the feeling I get when I read a really really good book and then I realised I had officially lifte my boycott. But it was totally worth it. Peter Carey is now one of my favourite authors and I recently bought Oscar and Lucinda. Will tell you how it is.
I've also been recommended Tim Winton on several different occasions and I met a lady at my workplace who is friends with Winton (omg, how exciting!!!) and spoke highly of Cloudstreet. In her words, she said it was "the best book she had ever read in her life." I wanted to go out there and then and buy it but then I looked in my wallet. But money issues aside, the book is really hard to find, apparently because it sells out really fast. I shall not give up though, I will have a copy very soon.
Off to go shopping ( I will try and stay away from the bookstore...no promises though).

1 comment:

payals88 said...

you lie.
you spent a majority of your time in KL shopping.....FOR CLOTHES !!!!!