I am reading something special for Drama class. A greek tragedy that's part of a trilogy based in Thebes, written by Sophocles. It's pretty feisty and feminist for a play written a long time ago.
Also, I got back the assignment on Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing and I finally understand what my tutor was trying to say (and I actually got it back about three months ago, so you can see I'm a little slow). He said that there was too much of speculating in my essay. I couldn't comprehend what he meant but basically he was trying to tell me that my denial and confusion about Shakespeare being a chauvinist was clearly evident in my paper. I kept on using words like 'maybe' and 'perhaps' because I didn't want to say it outright that he was, indeed a pig. So, next time I suppose I have to either stay on the damn fence or be convincing when I pick a side.
Screw Shakespeare for now, I'll see him again this semester when I read Othello. Can't wait, I tell ya.
Also, I'm taking Creative Writing. I've been absent from here because I'm too damn busy writing in my notebook everyday. It's pretty addictive but I'm glad that writing has become a daily habit now. When I'm ready, I'll post a few things from my notebook here but only when I'm ready and you can bet your ass that I'm going to edit it furiously. A few times.
Another class that I'm taking is Screen and Sound. I got to play director yesterday and it was pretty wonderful. I totally can't take centrestage on screen. No friggin' way. I'd be so unconvincing as a character, no matter which part I play. Even if it's like a tree in the middle of a courtyard. I'd probably start giggling nervously. I mean, who would hire a giggling tree? Seriously?
And the last one is Introduction to Journalism which is very exciting but daunting too. I've got a superb idea about my first news story but I've gotten overzealous and thought about too many angles. Which is a problem because I have to fit everything into a package of 300 words. And be concise and articulate, neither traits that I possess. My drama tutor caught me in the headlights last week and asked for my name when I was standing in the middle of the room and I stumbled about four times before I could get it out- "Mmm..mmm..mi..mi..milan." It was pretty hilarious. You had to be there. Extremely articulate indeed. Me taking a drama class, that's another good one. If I wasn't in the Murdoch Computer Lab I'd be rolling on the floor by now. Yea, heeeelarious.
That about covers my units this semester. And my life, pretty much.